Released: 03/14/2009
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When you open a shared file or a folder, Windows explorer freezes. If you try to restart the Server service, the service freezes in the stopping state. Microsoft Office Access databases (.mdb files) that are hosted on Windows Server 2012 shares may be corrupted. The reimagined web Explore amazing new websites built in collaboration with Internet Explorer. From the slopes of Mount Everest to the stunning world of Contre Jour, experience the beauty of the web in Internet Explorer. See the sites Don't miss out Make Internet Explorer your default browser. Surf the web with the fast, fluid, perfect for.
MDB Explorer is designed for quick and easy viewing of MDB and MDE files without having an Access license. This application can be used to open tables from multiple Access databases, have your table structures shown and described in terms of column and relation.
ACCESSdb is a JavaScript library used to dynamically connect to and query locally available Microsoft Access database files within Internet Explorer. All you need is an .mdb file; Access does not even need to be installed! All of the SQL queries available in Access can be executed on the fly, including SELECTs, INSERTs, UPDATEs, and JOINs. Results are output in several customizable formats including JSON, XML, and HTML.
Connecting to a Database
To create a new database connection, use the ACCESSdb contructor to create a new instance of the ACCESSdb object, passing a string containing the path to the Access .mdb file. (Make sure to double up on the backslashes!):
To see warning popups for database errors, add the optional showErrors parameter:
Running a Query
To query a database, use ACCESSdb's query method: Cognition: an erica reed thriller 1 0.
If a query fails, the method returns false:
By default, the record set of results is loaded into a JavaScript Array object. To specify a different output format, add the optional parameter for the desired format. The available choices are 'xml', 'json', or 'table'.
Customizing Output
Tables can be given IDs and can be assigned CSS classes using the optional id and className parameters:
Table Headers
You can also choose not to display the column headers with the optional noHeaders parameter:
Mdb Explorer 2 4 12
Customizing Dates
Mdb Explorer 2 4 10
When returning XML or an HTML table, you can customize the formatting of Date columns using the optional formatDates parameter. This parameter is an associative array wherein each key is the name of a table column to format and the value is a format string describing how dates in that column should be displayed.
The format string uses the following abbreviations:
'MMM d, y'
outputs: 'January 01, 2000' or 'Dec 1, 1900' or 'Nov 20, 00'
outputs: '01/20/00' or '9/2/00'
'MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa'
outputs: 'January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM'
outputs: '915177604200'
To apply a particular format to all Date columns within an XML or HTML result set, pass the format string directly into the formatDates parameter:
String Output
When selected, XML is output as an XML Document Object by default. XML can also be output as a string by using the optional stringOut parameter:
When selected, the HTML table is output as an HTML table element object by default. Tables can also be output directly into a string by using the optional stringOut parameter:
Batch Insertion
To insert multiple rows into a table in one call, use ACCESSdb's insert method. This method can receive the data to be inserted in the form of a JSON object, a JSON String, an XML Document Object, or an XML String. (All in the same format as is output by ACCESSdb.)
Error Handling
To add your own error handling function to a query or a batch insert, use the optional errorHandler parameter. A pointer to the Error object is passed to this function. If an insert fails, the method stops processing input records and returns false.
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